Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Candid Chinese Chastity & Chicanery

Chinese dragon is virtually purging out fireballs every now and then in the form of pressure tactics. Interesting, this pressure tactics is that it is not coerced at diplomatic level but happening at Line of Actual Control (LAC) for conveying strong message to Indian Politicians and Masses. The Chinese are actually playing the game warily at two levels. One at diplomatic level to resolve all pending disputed issues amicably to present a good face and second at track two level for second line of contact for dispute resolution i.e. at actual point of contention to built-up the pressure to flare up the situation.

Indian leadership fails to find any conclusive solution and hence, seems trapped in this quagmire. From Prime Minister to Foreign Minister to National Security Advisor to Chief of Army Staff, everybody is making comments not “statement” to soothe the volatile situation created because of media hype and hoopla.

But, the time has come for Indian Polity and Diplomacy to take some forward action rather than defensive action against Chinese policy of Chastity and Chicanery. India should deal with Chinese on four fronts to tackle the problem of Chinese intervention and incursion in Indian Geopolitical sphere. They are Trade, Tibet, Taiwan and Xinjiang, just like Chinese “OFF” and “ON”, on Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh (including Tawang), Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir (Aksai Chin only). Other areas of supremacy will automatically tow to India’s favour like Military Supremacy and Chinese overtures of neighboring countries like Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran.
It is only Chinese chastity that at one point in time they recognize Sikkim as Indian State and Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh’s borders as International border in the middle sector, and at the same time built-up pressure through incursion by Chinese Army (mind it not so-called “People’s Liberation Army”) on India so as to scuttle peace and border dispute resolution process which favours China by putting India under diplomatic pressure.

It is high time when India should increase its bilateral political, military, trade and cultural relations with all neighboring countries in Indian Sub-Continent like Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran. One-to-one interaction at PMO level is pertinent to create amiable environment in neighborhood of India through constructive relationships with these nations.
India should recognize the problems in Tibet and bargain hard to finalize border dispute in North Eastern Sector of India with China viz., Arunachal Pradesh including Tawang and make it very clear to China that Sikkim is now closed chapter and Chinese incursion in Sikkim may restrain India’s relation with China. At no point in time India should shun the topic of Indian sovereignty over Aksai Chin and candidly discusses transfer of Aksai Chin to India, which is under Chinese control since 1962’s conflict.

It is high time for India to move ahead of 1962’s debacle and resolve border dispute with China by settling issues of Aksai Chin, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh, which are part of Indian Territory. India should be smart enough to break the chicanery of Chinese by not bracketing Tibet with Aksai Chin, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh as India never annexed these territories, rather they were the part of British India and they preferred to be part of Indian Union forever.

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